Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blogoversary - 1 Yr!

One year ago, I put up my first post.

It was a bit frightening but kind of a relief at the same time. I'd spent several weeks going back and forth about wether I should even start a blog. Once I'd decided to do it, then the questions became whether I should use wordpress, blogger, typepad or any of other blogging options...

And what was I going to write about? I never get to sail as much as I want to and my writing is lacking in the compelling department.

But, I pulled up Blogger, and I started anyway.

Everyone from Adam Turinasmy2fish, Baydog, Craig of H2uh0 - Bonehead Moves on the Water,  Conjuminando and many others, have all been very supportive and its certainly been nice to have some readers. So a shout out to all of you for reading my every now-and-again posts and I hope I can give you a lot more to read and look forward to in the coming years.

Special shout-out to Dave for a much appreciated and well timed Thanksgiving email that I never returned. Thanks for reading!

I know my posts have sometimes strayed to things less than nautical but I suppose that is what winter does to a sailor; at least to me. I focus on other things so I don't have to think about missing sailing. The holidays pass by and there's just that moment where it hits you; and in an instant, the sailing itch is back. You're ready for the breeze and spray and you can't wait to hit the water.  Maybe its not the same when you have sailing weather all year round [coughCaliforniacough].  I don't know. Over here on the East Coast however, I'm very ready to start sailing this year. Hopefully work and my foray into law school aren't too demanding this season. Still trying to buy a boat as well. If only I could get my dad to upgrade to the Vagabond 42' he's been lusting after...hhmmmm.....


  1. Alot of February bloggaversaries! Congrats. I never got my invite to that party, though!

  2. Cap'n Black - congrats on 1 year! time flies, doesn't it? I love that you found a way to mix Family Guy and Lonely Island into the same blog post - both fantastic.

    "with my swim trunks and my flippy-floppies"

    @Baydog: that's what you get for confessing to liking American Idol. between that and all the oyster posts, I'm seriously getting squeamish.

    carry on,

  3. Thanks Baydog!

    @my2fish: Thanks! I do what I can...
