Thursday, July 22, 2010

Shark + Octopus = SHARKTOPUS!!!!

So I was checking out my traffic (Google Analytics) when I came across a blog that had linked to me (Conjuminado) from Brazil. While perusing the site, I came across a good tag-along for yesterday's Shark v. Octopus post.

Hold on to your hats and get out of the water cause its....


I just couldn't help myself.


  1. best part: right at the end when sharktopus jumps out of the water to gobble down the bungee-jumper. hilarious stuff.

    I'm a bit disappointed you didn't weave in something about clean energy though! :-)

    cheers, my2fish

  2. I know right! I can't wait till they give Sharktopus a release date.
